On 1st Dec, 1967 a few young Chartered Accountants from Ernakulam met and decided to form a Branch of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India at Ernakulam, subject to the approval of the Southern India Regional Council (SIRC) of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) as well as the Central Council of the Institute. As on the date of decision there were only 100 members in and around Cochin belt and in Ernakulam. They organised a small committee consisting of one of the senior most doyens of the profession - Late CA. T. Velu Pillai, FCA from Alwaye, Late CA K. Ramalingam, FCA of Menon & Iyer, CA Abraham Joseph, FCA and CA. Venugopal C Govind as the Conveners, to put in all efforts to get a Branch approved for Ernakulam. CA. Venugopal C. Govind made several visits to Delhi during the years 1965 and 1966 to meet the then President and the Secretary of the Institute for obtaining necessary approval. Finally, the Institute gave its approval for the formation of the First Branch of the Institute in Kerala in the year 1967 when CA. Harihbakthi, FCA was the President of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.

Accordingly, the Branch was opened by the late Sri. T. Velu Pillai , Chartered Accountant from Alwaye and one of the senior most notable personalities of the profession who was also unanimously chosen as the First Chairman of the branch. CA. Venugopal C Govind and CA. Abraham Joseph were elected as the Secretary and Treasurer respectively of the Ernakulam Branch of ICAI.

During this time it was also decided by all the members of the branch to form a Kerala Chartered Accountants Society, and accordingly "The Kerala Chartered Accountants Society" was formed and registered on 14th January, 1977, under the Travancore-Cochin Literary, Scientific and Charitable Societies Registration Act, XII of 1955. The main object of forming the Society was to acquire land for construction of building and other infrastructure facilities for the Ernakulam Branch of ICAI. Immediately after forming the Society, senior members CA S Prabakaran and CA P Sukumara Menon along with CA P E Balakrishna Menon from Alwaye toured throughout Kerala in order to raise resources for the Society by way of advertisement in the souvenir by meeting all the Chartered Accountants, who in turn rose to the occasion to achieve this object. Fortunately the Society could raise sufficient funds required for purchase of the required land at Ernakulam. With the active help of CA K Raghavan Nair, the then Managing Partner of M/s Varma & Varma, Chartered Accountants, the Society purchased 10.06 cents of lands from the owner/vendors of the land facing the South Ammenkovil temple at Diwan's Road, Ernakulam, for a consideration of Rs.65000/- only as per sale deed Nos.1536/1978 and 1543/1978 of Ernakulam Sub Registry, dated 23rd May 1978.

The foundation stone for the Branch Building was laid on 20th May, 1985 by the then President of the Institute Sri A.C. Chakraborthi.

Later when the late Sri P A Nair took over as President of the Institute, he took the initiative to provide funds to the branch by way of loans, advances and grant. With these funds along with contributions from Chartered Accountants Foundation Stone laid by CA.A.C.Chakrabortti, President ICAI on 20th May 1985Firms and Individual members, a Building for the Institute was constructed as per plan approved by the Corporation of Cochin in the name of the Society.

It must be noted that CA M C Joseph, who served as a member and Chairman of SIRC and later as member of the Central Council of the Institute, supervised efficiently the building construction activities. He contributed his skill valuable time in coordinating the activities with the consultant engineers and contractors. He fully justified the confidence placed on him by the Society and members through his dedication and selfless service.



The branch building was inaugurated by Sri P A Nair, president of the Central Institute on 22nd August 1986 in the Presence of Vice President CA R Balakrishnan.

On 12-02-1986 the Kerala Chartered Accountants Society leased out the property to the Institute of Chartered Accountants of CA.P.A.Nair, President, ICAI inaugurating the Branch building on 22nd August 1988India, New Delhi by an Indenture of Lease. This lease automatically got cancelled on transfer of the property of the Society by the Gift Deed dated 5th January, 2004 free of Cost to the Institute by Gift Deed No. 79 dated 5.1.2004 of EKM Sub Registry. Accordingly, Kerala Chartered Accountants Society got dissolved as per the Resolution passed at the meeting of the Members of the Society: having achieved its main object of having permanent adobe for the Ernakulam Branch of ICAI and authorized CA S Prabhakaran, the President of the Society , to do the needful in this regard.


On 19th October 1994 CA. B P Rao, President, ICAI inaugurated the first floor of the Branch building. On 18th November 2003

CA. R Bupathy, President, ICAI inaugurated the air conditioned Conference hall at the First floor of the Branch. In 2007, Branch purchased office space of 1100 sq. feet adjacent to the main building. On 23rd May 2007 CA. Sunil H Talati, President, ICAI inaugurated the newly bought annexe.

CA.R.Bupathy, President, ICAI inaugurating the air conditioned Conference Hall at first floor of the Branch on 18th November 2003

Several distinguished members of the Ernakulam Branch have graced this branch by their active involvement in providing an effective leadership. It is heartening to note that the successive Chairmen and the Managing Committee Members put in their best efforts to improve the infrastructure and academic facilities of the Branch. Now it is the largest Branch in the State with 1400 members and more than 3500 students. Now we are proud to be the members of the 3rd Largest Branch of Southern India Regional Council of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.

To provide better facilities to members and students the branch has always been on the look out to expand. Efforts on these lines started way back in 2001-02 itself with the setting up of a new “Building Fund” with an initial contribution of Rs.1.00 Lakh by the Branch and Rs.2.00 Lakh by the SICASA. The branch procured an apartment adjacent to the existing building with a built up area of 1070 sq ft in 2007. Another building on a 14 cents plot of land close to the existing building was bought in 2010. As these are not sufficient to take care of the facilities required for the existing members and students of the branch, it is searching to buy a larger tracts of land to construct a building to house all its activities.

Ernakulam Branch has been adjudged as the Best Branch, Most Active Branch and awarded Shields both at Central as well as at Regional level. The Branch has also been actively engaged in conducting various activities for students, like organizing coaching classes, quiz etc.

It is pertinent to record that the Decentralised Office at Ernakulam was also set up due to the larger strength of Membership in the jurisdiction of Ernakulam Branch which takes care of the needs of the members and students. The branch also opened a new State wise Store Point and Sales Counter, providing Institute's publications, study material, suggested answers to the questions of the Institute exams, Revision Test Papers, Prospectus cum application forms of CPT, IPCC and Final Courses. The Branch has also a new well furnished A/C Computer Lab to conduct 100hrs Information Technology Course for students.

The history of the Ernakulam Branch of ICAI is recorded here for the benefit of coming generation of Chartered Accountants as to show how a seed sown on 1st December, 1967 has sprouted and grown into a Big Tree and flowered to give inspiration and pride to them and glow as a Beacon Light for acquisition of knowledge