Annual Registration Scheme 2025-2026

01-03-2025 to 28-02-2026

Fees: Rs.10000/-

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Members who qualified after 01/04/2023 on or before 20-04-2025
Rs. 9000 /- Register
on or before15-05-2025
Rs. 9500 /-
If five or more members working/belonging to an organization are sponsored together by the same organisation on or before 20-04-2025
Rs. 8500 /- Register
on or before15-05-2025
Rs. 9000 /-
If three or more members working/belonging to an organization are sponsored together by the same organisation on or before 20-04-2025
Rs. 9000 /- Register
on or before15-05-2025
Rs. 9500 /-
Members ARS Registration fee on or before 20-04-2025
Rs. 9500 /- Register
on or before15-05-2025
Rs. 10000 /-

The First Branch of the Southern India Regional Council of ICAI in Kerala, the Ernakulam Branch, was set up on 1st December 1967. It is the largest Branch in the State with more than 2300 members and more than 8000 students.

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For getting emails regarding information from Ernakulam Branch of SIRC of ICAI

  0484-2362027, 2910650, 2910651

  • Ernakulam Branch of SIRC of ICAI
    ICAI Bhawan, Diwan's Road,
    Ernakulam- 682016
